   Recently we have been talking about the different creative ways to expose our society's issues. Using online editorials and humorous articles every one can present their opinion along with an interesting and enjoyable twist, sarcasm. Personally, I love being sarcastic. It's my way of dealing with kinds of situation. Obviously, I enjoyed  this research and had a good laugh through it.
     I chose a fun article mixing two pretty well known topics: beauty pageants and homosexuality. Here comes the link:
http://politicalhumor.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm site=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andy-borowitz/miss-usa-vows-to-use-her_b_202163.html
      After reading this humorous editorial I couldn't help but laugh. This article present a perfect example of beauty pageant contestants stereotype. "I will go anywhere, anytime, anyway to make my case," Miss  California said. "These breasts are made for walking." The model insisted that the best way to support homosexuals is to pose naked in front of  a camera showing her perfect silicone breasts. Everyone's reaction was immediate. Donald Trump, who owns Miss USA pageant praised Ms. Prejean for her fearlessness in the face of harsh criticism stating, "I like what I've seen of Carrie and I hope to see much more of her". I know I'm not the only one thinking that he made this expression ke or in a completely sexual way, or both. 
        All over the world celebrities use their "famous status" as a way to help society with issues like this one and representing minorities. The issue of homosexuality is a very popular and important matter in our society. So isn't surprising that this girl wanted to help, in a way. The shocking thing is the useless way of approaching the issue, because let's face it, how many homosexuals can you really help showing a pair of human tissue (besides the obvious sexual admiration)? ZERO. Your boobs aren't gonna change any laws, a homophobic dad will not accept its lesbian daughter and finally, they won't change the fact that the only way to deal with homosexuality is simply stop seeing it as a problem, see it as it is, just human nature.  

    During class, we were looking at some editorials written about some social issues. Editorials are articles written to introduce a problem or a situation in which the author gives the reader some actual statistical data to support its point and then offers a solution to it. I selected four different editorials to talk about. Those were:
1- Morning Bits - The Washington Post
2- The New Mayor and the Teachers - The New York Times
3- Desperation in Tibet- The New York Times
4- Al Rescate de la Vocacion Medica - El Nuevo Dia

        I decided to write about the Spanish editorial in El Nuevo Dia because it was something that I can directly relate with because a lot of my friends want to become doctors. The article is named "Al Rescate de la Vocacion Medica" written by Ibrahim Perez. This editorial is written by a doctor who is concerned about the malpractice that has been going on lately on his profession. There are always some bad professionals that affect the image of all of the other ones, even the good ones. The doctor expresses his discontent with fraud, negligent practice and sexual abuse known lately. "El deterioro moral, social y económico que nos ha impactado durante las últimas décadas ha tocado adversamente a nuestra profesión" expressed Perez. With this article, he is trying to make a call to his colleagues to help him restore the confidence and prestige of the medicine doctors, as well as he claims the population to give them a chance to believe in existence of good doctors. 
        In my opinion, because of our society's problems, there have been a lot of negligent professionals in all areas. I understand his concern about his colleague's malpractice and the lack of confidence towards doctors. I agree that doctors need to have, besides knowledge, a big amount of humanity and empathy to really connect with the patient. Doctors need to see their patients with their hearts as people not as puzzles to solve. When a patient comes to you with a problem you need to show him respect and true care about his health. I think that the difference between a good doctor and a great one is the piece of heart that they give to each of their patient.
          When I write about doctors, event though I am not interested in the profession directly, I feel the need to make a call. Puerto Rico is full with scientists but in need of doctors, people with a lot of empathy and  humanity. Being a Biology student here in college, I see every type of doctors-to-be. I think we have some good potential here in our campus, and of course, some of the best soon to be doctors are my best friends. I see every day how compromise they are with their studies and the big heart they have. One day they will become the type of doctor that Perez was referring to when he said: "Nuestra profesión jamás aceptará menos de sus miembros que integridad, transparencia y excelencia, porque la vida de los seres humanos depende de nuestras decisiones."

          As an editorial I think that he lack a little bit of structure and data to support his answer. It was more like a way he used to express his opinion rather than an editorial.